Monday, March 1, 2010

Neon rope lighting

To fully understand how to make the most of your home lighting, using the correct indoor light fixtures for the different types of light requirements, (i.e. task lighting, accent and general lighting), it helps to understand the basic types of light being given out by each.

Task lighting is that lighting which allows you to carry out your "tasks" around the house - for example, reading, knitting and playing the piano. All of these tasks require you to concentrate on the work at hand and in order to do this work you need good light. Task lighting is more often than not provided by fluorescent overhead lights and can be supplemented by other lamps, commonly adjustable table lamps which the worker can adjust to a more suitable angle. Adjustable lamps can be desk lamps, as well as floor lamps, or other portable lights that can be clipped onto shelves or other surfaces.

Accent Lighting is lighting that is used to focus on an art object such as a painting or a sculpture, or any other object that you want to highlight. Perhaps even to highlight a coffee table or a certain corner of a room. Picture lights for example, can be used to highlight a painting. A hanging pendant or a table lamp can be used to highlight a small table. Sometimes it can prove difficult to obtain the exact effect you are after because lamps have different sizes of beams and trying to make the beam fit the object is not always easy. Low voltage lights or spotlights are other good ways of using lighting to highlight objects.


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